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Macular Hole

Macular Hole

Macular Hole

A macular hole is a condition that occurs when there is a small break or tear in the macula, which is the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, detailed vision. Macular holes are most commonly associated with aging, and they tend to occur more frequently in people over the age of 60. They can also be caused by other factors, such as injury to the eye, high levels of myopia (nearsightedness), or certain eye diseases.

Macular holes can cause vision loss or distortion, particularly in the central field of vision, and can make it difficult to perform tasks that require sharp, detailed vision, such as reading or driving. Other symptoms may include blurriness or haziness in the central vision, distortion of straight lines or objects, and decreased color perception.

Macular Hole Diagnosis

Your doctor will use special eye drops to widen your pupil, allowing them to examine the inside of your eye and take pictures with optical coherence tomography (OCT). This advanced machine scans the retina and macula for detailed images that can be studied for any potential problems.

Treatment for Macular Hole

Treatment for a macular hole typically involves a surgical procedure called a vitrectomy, in which the vitreous gel inside the eye is removed and replaced with a gas bubble. The gas bubble helps to push the macula back into place and facilitate healing of the hole. Patients will need to keep their head in a specific position for a period of time after the surgery to ensure the gas bubble stays in the correct position. In most cases, vision improves following surgery, but the degree of improvement may vary depending on the severity of the hole and the length of time it was present before treatment.

South Carolina Retina Institute is well recognized for their expertise in treating macular holes. Your doctor will discuss any risks and how vitrectomy surgery may help you. Our skilled Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Dr. Nicolas Marchese, is board certified in the treatment of diseases and surgery of the vitreous and retina. Our knowledgeable SCRI staff is dedicated to keeping up with the latest medical breakthroughs and providing you with strategies that can increase your independence levels despite any conditions affecting your vision.